Journal Papers
- Arsenault, M., Boudreau, R. and Nokleby, S. (2021). Computation of the Available Force Set of a 3-RPRR Kinematically Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulator. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.
- Boudreau, R., Nockleby, S. and Gallant, M. (2021). Wrench Capabilities of a Kinematically-Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulator. Robotica.
- Gallant, A. and Gosselin, C. (2018). Extending the capabilities of robotic manipulators using trajectory optimization. Mechanism and Machine Theory. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Boudreau, R. et al. (2018). Dynamic analysis and optimization of a kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulator. Transactions of the CSME. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Lee, A. and Boudreau, R. (2018) The effect of the number of degrees of kinematic redundancy on the actuation forces of a planar parallel manipulator. Transactions of the CSME.
- Gallant, A. and Gosselin, C. (2016). Parametric trajectory optimisation for increased payload. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Parsa, S., Boudreau, R. and Carretero, J. (2015). Reconfigurable Mass Parameters to Cross Kinematic Singularities in Parallel Manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory.
- Parsa, S., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2013). Internal redundancy: an approach to improve the dynamic parameters around sharp corners. Mechanical Sciences.
- Gallant, A., Boudreau, R. and Gallant, M. (2012). Dexterous Workspace of n-PRRR Planar Parallel Manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. (Google Scholar)
- Boudreau, R. and Nokleby, S. (2012) Force Optimization of Kinematically-Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulators Following a Desired Trajectory. Mechanism and Machine Theory.
- Carretero, J., Ebrahimi, I. and Boudreau, R. (2012). Overall Motion Planning for Kinematically Redundant Parallel Manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.
- Gallant, A., Boudreau, R. and Gallant, M. (2012). Geometric determination of the dexterous workspace of n-RRRR and n-RRPR manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Boudreau, R., Mao, X. and Podhorodeski, R. (2012). Backlash elimination in parallel manipulators using actuation redundancy. Robotica.
- Parsa, S., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2011). Length-Optimised Smooth Obstacle Avoidance for Robotic Manipulators. Transaction of the CSME.
- Boudreau, R. and Podhorodeski, R. (2010). Singularity analysis of a kinematically simple class of 7-jointed revolute manipulators. Transactions of the CSME.
- Gallant, A., Boudreau, R. and Gallant, M. (2009). Dexterous Workspace of a 3-PRRR Kinematically Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulator. Transactions of the CSME. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Ebrahimi, I., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2008). A Family of Kinematically Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design.
- Ebrahimi, I., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2008). Kinematic analysis and path planning of a new kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulator. Robotica.
- Ebrahimi, I., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2007). 3-PRRR Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulator: Inverse Displacement, Workspace and Singularity Analyses. Mechanism and Machine Theory.
- Arsenault, M. and Boudreau, R. (2006). Synthesis of Planar Mechanisms While Considering Workspace, Dexterity, Stiffness and Singularity Avoidance. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design.
- Arsenault, M. and Boudreau, R. (2004). The Synthesis of Three-Degree-of-Freedom Planar Parallel Mechanisms with Revolute Joints (3-RRR) for an Optimal, Singularity-Free Workspace. Journal of Robotic Systems
- Gallant, M. and Boudreau, R. (2002). The Synthesis of Planar Parallel Manipulators with Prismatic Joints for an Optimal, Singularity-Free Workspace. Journal of Robotic Systems.
- Cormier, G., Boudreau, R. and Thériault, S. (2001). Real coded genetic algorithm for Bragg grating parameter synthesis. Journal Optical Society of America.
- Boudreau, R. and Gosselin, C. (2001). La synthèse d’une plate-forme de Gough-Stewart pour un espace atteignable prescrit. Mechanism and Machine Theory.
- Cormier, G. and Boudreau, R. (2000). Genetic algorithm for ellipsometric data inversion of absorbing layers. Journal Optical Society of America.
- Boudreau, R. and Gosselin, C. (1999). The Synthesis of Planar Parallel Manipulators with a Genetic Algorithm. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design
- Boudreau, R., Darenfed, S. and Turkkan, N. (1998). Étude comparative de trois nouvelles approches pour la solution du problème géométrique direct des manipulateurs parallèles. Mechanism and Machine Theory.
- Boudreau, R., Darenfed, S. and Gosselin, C. (1998). On the Computation of the Direct Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators Using Polynomial Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
- Boudreau, R., Levesque, G. and Darenfed, S. (1998). Parallel Manipulator Kinematics Learning Using Holographic Neural Models. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.
- Boudreau, R., (1997). A Real Time Solution to the Forward Kinematic Problem of a General Spherical Three-Degree-of-Freedom Parallel Manipulator. Transactions of the CSME.
- Boudreau, R., Darenfed, S., and Biden, E. (1996). Application of Time Series and Polynomial Learning Networks to Robot Trajectory Control. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.
- Boudreau, R. and Turkkan, N.(1996) Solving the Forward Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators with a Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Robotic Systems.
- Boudreau, R., and Biden, E. (1994) Robot Arm Signature Using Time Series. Transactions of the CSME.
- Darenfed, S., Miao, S., and Boudreau, R. (1994). Critères de performance des réseaux d’apprentissage: application à la modélisation de la rugosité de surface en tournage. Transactions of the CSME.
Conference Papers
- Doiron, N., Gallant, A. (2023). Increasing the payload of a 7DOF cobot. 6th IFToMM International Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Applications. (pdf)
- Gallant, A., Gosselin, C. (2023). Throwing capabilities of manipulators. 6th IFToMM International Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Applications. (pdf)
- Baril, D. et al. (2020). Evaluation of Skid-Steering Kinematic Models for Subarctic Environments. 17th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV). (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Boudreau, R., Nokleby, S. and Gallant, M. (2019). Investigating the Wrench Capabilities of a Kinematically-Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulator. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics.
- Boudreau, R. et al. (2017). Dynamic Analysis and Optimisation of a Kinematically-Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulator. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Lee, A. and Boudreau, R. (2017). The Effect of the Number of Degrees of Kinematic Redundancy on the Actuation Forces of a Planar Parallel Manipulator. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics.
- Gallant, A. and Gosselin, C. (2015). Parametric Trajectory Optimisation for Increased Payload. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Soheil S. Parsa, Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2012). A Study of the Effects of Internal Redundancy on the Dynamic Performance of the 3-RRR Manipulator. IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science.
- Soheil S. Parsa, Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2012). Example of Internal Redundancy to Improve the Dynamics Performance of Parallel Manipulators. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Mechanisms and Robotics Conference.
- Soheil S. Parsa, Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2011). Length-Optimised Smooth Obstacle Avoidance for Robotic Manipulators. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics.
- Gallant, A., Boudreau, R. and Gallant, M. (2011). Dexterous Workspace of n-RRRR and n-RRPR Manipulators. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Gallant, A., Boudreau, R. and Gallant, M. (2010). Dexterous Workspace of N-PRRR Planar Parallel Manipulators. Proceedings of the ASME 2010 IDETC (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Gallant, A., Boudreau, R. and Gallant, M. (2009). Dexterous workspace of a general geometry 3-PRRR kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulator. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Carretero, J., Ebrahimi, I. and Boudreau, R. (2008). A New Motion Planning Strategy for Kinematically Redundant Parallel Manipulators. CSME Forum.
- Podhorodeski, R. and Boudreau, R. (2007). A Class of Kinematically Simple 7-Revolute Jointed Serial Manipulators and their Velocity-Degenerate (Singular) Configurations. World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science.
- Ebrahimi, I., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2007). Actuation scheme for a 6-DOF kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulator. World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science.
- Ebrahimi, I., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2007). The 3-RPRR kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulator. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics.
- Ebrahimi, I., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2007). Singularity analysis of a family of kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulators. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics.
- Ebrahimi, I., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2006). Singularity Analysis of a New Kinematically Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulator. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics.
- Ebrahimi, I., Carretero, J. and Boudreau, R. (2006). Workspace Comparison of Kinematically Redundant Planar Parallel Manipulato. RoManSy Symposium.
- Arsenault, M. and Boudreau, R. (2004). The Synthesis of a General Planar Parallel Manipulator with Prismatic Joints for Optimal Stiffness. Congrès mondial sur la théorie des machines and des mécanismes.
- Arsenault, M. and Boudreau, R. (2003). The Synthesis of Three-Degree-of-Freedom Planar Parallel Manipulators with Revolute Joints (3-RRR) for an Optimal Singularity-Free Workspace. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics.
- Lavoie, M.-H. and Boudreau, R. (2001). Inverse Kinematic Solution of Redundant Manipulators for Pick-and-Place Operations in Clustered Environments. International Conference on Production Research.
- Lavoie, M.-H. and Boudreau, R. (2001). Obstacle Avoidance for Redundant Manipulators Using a Genetic Algorithm. CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics.
- Gallant, M. and Boudreau, R. (2000). An Optimal Singularity-Free Planar Parallel Manipulator for a Prescribed Workspace Using a Genetic Algorithm. CSME Forum.
- Gallant, M. and Boudreau, R. (1999). The Optimization of a Planar Parallel Manipulator to Obtain a Singularity-Free Workspace. CANCAM.
- Boudreau, R. and Gosselin, C. (1999). La synthèse d’une plate-forme de Gough-Stewart pour un espace atteignable prescrit. Congrès mondial sur la théorie des machines et des mécanismes.
- Boudreau, R. and Gosselin, C. (1998). The Synthesis of Planar Parallel Manipulators with a Genetic Algorithm. ASME Mechanisms Conference.
- Boudreau, R. and Gosselin, C. (1998). La synthèse d’un manipulateur parallèle plan à trois degrés de liberté à l’aide d’un algorithme génétique. CSME Forum.
- Boudreau, R. (1997). L’apprentissage du problème géométrique direct d’une plate-forme de Stewart. CANCAM.
- Boudreau, R. (1995). A Real Time Solution to the Forward Kinematic Problem of a General Three-Degree-of-Freedom Parallel Manipulator. ASME Advances in Design Automation.
- Boudreau, R., Darenfed, S. and Gosselin, C. (1994). L’application des réseaux polynomiaux auto-organisés pour la résolution de la cinématique d’un manipulateur parallèle plan. Colloque sur les applications techniques de la mécanique.
- Boudreau, R., Darenfed, S. and Gosselin, C. (1994). Efficient Computation of the Direct Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators Using Polynomial Networks. Proceedings of the 23rd ASME Mechanisms Conference.
- Boudreau, R. and Biden, E. (1993). The Control of Robot Trajectory Errors Using Time Series. CANCAM 1993.
Book contributions
- Hayes, J.D., Boudreau, R., Carretero, J. and Podhoredeski, R. (2011). Contributions to the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science By The IFToMM Canadian Community (CCToMM). Technology Developments: the Role of Mechanism and Machine Science and IFToMM. Springer, pp. 257-264
- Carretero, J., Ebrahimi, I. and Boudreau, R. (2008). A Comparison between Two Motion Planning Strategies for Kinematically Redundant Parallel Manipulators. Advances in Robot Kinematics. Springer, pp. 243-252.
- Gallant, A. (2020). Optimisation de trajectoire pour l’augmentation des capacités des manipulateurs robotiques. (pdf, Google Scholar)
- Gallant, A. (2011). Détermination de l’espace dextre des manipulateurs parallèles plans avec redondance cinématique. (pdf, Google Scholar)